Pontos Region
* Location: a region on the southern coast of the Black Sea, located in the modern-day eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. * Costumes from this region: Asia Minor, Kato Panagia * Girls / Women Costumes: Colorful long dresses with an angled waistband (zonar). The waistband (zonar) is traditionally made of wool or cotton and up to 3 meters (9.8 feet) long and folded into a triangle when wrapped around. The dress carries a traditional velvet vest decorated with gold embroidery or embellishments. The hat - known as a tapla - is a small flat hat decorated with coins (tapla) and often worn toward the front of the head. (Fun fact - the gold coins are worn by married women and eligible women for marriage. Elderly women wear a scarf or hat with no coins). * Boys/ Men Costumes: Trousers/shortened puffy pants often with boots. Worn with a scarf around the waist (tarapoulouz). A short vest is worn often with buttons that cross over the front. Headpiece is a wrapped scarf of varying design.