Heirloom Preservation Bag
$48.00 USD
Each Bag is made of 100% unbleached muslin which allows fabric to breathe while protecting the Christening or other special occasion set from dust, dirt, light and chemical contamination. Bag is a natural ivory color and has a wide overlapped flap closure for full protection (ensuring no oil can come through the zipper).
Included with each bag is a fully covered muslin padded hanger with vinyl covered hook. This bag enables easy-access without breaking the preservation seal used by many dry cleaners. Accessories may be stored in the bottom of the bag.
Available in four sizes:
- Boy's outfit/girl's short or medium dress heirloom bag: 18” wide x 28” long
- Girl's long baby gown heirloom bag: 18” wide x 38” long
- Girl's longer baby gown heirloom bag: 22" wide x 49" long
- Girl's toddler length gown heirloom bag: 24" wide x 72" long